3 Best Virtual Assistants For Your Business In November 2024

types of chatbots
Reading Time: 7 minutes

ChatBots are the future of customer service, and businesses are embarking in full swing because of ChatBots. Entertaining more customers, enhancing services, and satisfying old folks are real strengths to deliver.

ChatBots include incredible mechanisms. These mechanisms make them behave similarly to humans. They give vivid and personalized experiences to the end users. Incredible response time, 100% accuracy, a dedicated support system, and enhanced security are enough to empower the capabilities of ChatBots.

ChatBots for Businesses In 2024 are going great. Development firms are offering development services for 3 major types of ChatBots requirements. Many startups that provide online services or handle web portals are emerging their businesses overnight. Small-scale and mid-sized industries are also enabling their system with AI-powered ChatBots.

What Are ChatBots?

ChatBots is a computer program that simulates a natural human conversation where users communicate with a ChaBot via chat interface, or by voice, like how a person would talk to another person. chatBot interprets, and processes user words, or phrases, and gives an instant preset answer.

Communication built on by clicking on a button and using a predefined option in the chat was hard questions and people answered them without button analysis.

Why Are ChatBots Essential For Businesses?

The customer service portal has developed a ChatBot application for the ease of their customers. However, the industry woke up sooner.

Handling several customer queries and providing resolution at the same time requires a huge human resource resulting in consumption of an extra cost to the business.

These problems include longer response times, miscommunication between the clients, and the agent’s customer service being unable to follow through with the promises when a fixation is not done within the given time.

Lack of customer centricity disappoints the customer, and it harms especially returning customers.

chatbots for business

3 Major Types Of ChatBots Used In Businesses

Different types of ChatBots are in demand by different businesses depending on their requirements, purposes, and suitability.

ChatBots development company examines your entire data and operations to produce better insights and help identify suitable ChatBots for your business. Let’s take a glance at 3 major types of ChatBots available in the marketplace.

Rule-Based ChatBots

General ChatBots that receive a user’s query and send the answer by using preset algorithms are rule-based ChatBots. This is known as the most basic ChatBot for resolving customers’ queries.

It is suitable for small-scale businesses where only a few customers need to be answered. It uses rules that are simple and pre-programmed.

Positive Traits:

  • Budget-friendly and less maintenance
  • Consistency in resolving customer’s query
  • Easy implementation

Negative Traits:

  • Can’t expect customers’ queries
  • Didn’t resolve complex queries
  • Limitations in functionality
  • The only solution for pre-programmed questions

Rule-Based ChatBots Examples In Businesses

Rule-based ChatBots can easily handle simple customer queries and do easy tasks.  General customer support, FAQs, and answering route queries.

  1. Customer Service

Rule-based ChatBots are used for general customer query responses and help them with the necessary information.

E.g. A private electricity board can give the electricity bill and general queries through rule-based ChatBots.

  1. FAQ’s Bots

Rule-based ChatBots can deliver answers to any FAQ. It can give all information related to products and services.

E.g. Can generate answers to any FAQ by using pre-programmed preset algorithms.

  1. Reservations, Appointments

Rule-based ChatBots can easily handle appointments, bookings, and reservations. It provides instant response to the user’s query followed by reservation details.

E.g. Generating a reservation ticket in a cinema hall by checking availability.

  1. Personal Finance

These ChatBots can deliver best solutions to any financial queries about financial investment, budgeting, and fundraising.

E.g. Investment plan recommendation considering income, expenses, and taxes.

  1. Education

These ChatBots have a massive influence on students. Rule-based ChatBots can help finish homework, give study materials, and answer random questions.

E.g. Chatbots can give detailed information on certain topics when a student requests.

  1. HR Management

It helps ease human resource tasks like queries related to employee benefits, company profiles, employment queries, and understanding finish procedures.

E.g. helps understanding company policy, procedure, and terms & conditions.

Smart Chatbots (Virtual Agent)

To interpret natural language, natural language processing (NLP) combines AI-powered ChatBots with machine learning algorithms. Smart Chatbots (Virtual Agent) learn and adopt new queries with correct answers and can handle every new situation while answering.

It uses a broader artificial intelligence-based dictionary to deliver adequate answers to each query. Smart Chatbots (Virtual Agents) are further categorized into 3 later types of ChatBots.

  1. ML ChatBots (machine learning)
  2. DL ChatBots (Deep learning)
  3. NLU ChatBots (Natural language understanding)

Positive Traits:

  • Supports complex queries
  • Personalized user response
  • Learning and adapting to new situations

Negative Traits:

  • Expensive in development and implementation
  • Extensive training sessions required
  • Multi-language support difficulty

Smart ChatBots Examples In Businesses

Smart ChatBots can handle complex queries to adopt new learning situations, unlike rule-based ChatBots. Let’s find out some of the excellent examples that illustrate its capabilities:

  1. Customer Support

These ChatBots help empower artificial intelligence, which can turn out to give great personalized responses to customer queries, complaints, and assistance, and also deliver real-time solutions.

E.g. A banking institution handling multiple customers via Smart ChatBots.

  1. eCommerce

Smart ChatBots help customers discover products based on their searches, interests, likes, and several other factors influencing ‘em to buy the products. It helps to place orders and any queries about refunds, returns, and exchanges.

E.g. A customer purchased red colored jeans because he found them through Smart ChatBots.

  1. Healthcare

It helps resolve customer basic queries/responses without any human intervention and with accuracy. It helps resolve general inquiries, appointments, medicinal advice, and all kinds of reports.

E.g. A relieved patient has a sudden toothache and ChatBots advises a precaution.

  1. Financial Institution

Smart ChatBots are good game-changers for financial institutions. Checking bank balances, transferring funds, paying bills, inquiries, and several other tasks.

E.g. Banking institutions can give all information related to a person’s bank account.

  1. Education

Smart ChatBots are helpful for students providing study materials, detailed information, and personalized learning programs, and helpful for managing admin tasks.

E.g.  Students get unsolved question papers solved in a minute via Smart ChatBots.

Hybrid ChatBots

When rule-based ChatBots combine with Smart ChatBots, they turn into “hybrid ChatBots”. The functionality can deliver solutions to complex tasks using machine learning algorithms. It supports real-time responses to simple tasks and personalized responses to users’ queries with accuracy.

E.g. Students are learning science while the administration prepares marks obtained.

Positive Traits:

  • Supports complex and simple queries
  • Personalized user responses
  • Cost-friendliness & user-friendliness

Negative Traits:

  • Complexity in development and implementation
  • Extensive training for managing
  • Cost is high

Types Of ChatBots For Businesses Based On Features

The chart below can help you achieve the matched requirements and objectives, however, these queries may come for free, if you contact directly to the team analyze the business situations, and requirements it has.

FeaturesRule-Based ChatbotsHybrid ChatbotsAI-Powered Chatbots
Response RulesUses preset rulesUses preset rules for general queries and machine learning to handle complex queriesLearns from user interactions and adapts over time
FlexibilityLimited to use of preset rulesQuick adaptationVery flexible and quick adaptation
Usage of NLPDoesn’t evolve natural language processing (NLP)Easily evolve and interpret natural languageHigh evolve & Interpret natural language
PersonalizationPreset rules & limitationsPersonalized responses over queries and medium user interactionsPersonalized responses based on machine learning high-level user interactions
ComplexityOnly satisfactory for basic queriesUses natural language processing for complex queriesCan handle complex queries & understanding of queries
Interactions LearningNo learning from users’ responsesLearning from preset rules and user responsesLearning & adoptive queries and users’ responses
types of chatbots

Identifying Best ChatBots Fulfilling Business Objectives

Identification of your ChatBots starts with knowing the business requirements. Once you’re aware of the areas that seek improvement through investment, you ask a suitable ChatBots Development company to investigate your existing business and give you with insights.

Insight will help you understand the cost of investment for the ChatBots to fulfill your requirements. Since most companies offer it for free, you will have better chances with a deep understanding of the basic profit you’re going to make from your investment.

Let’s put these words!

Define Goal

Once you realize exactly which ChatBots help improve your business for better sales, customer services, lead generation, and meeting your goals. Don’t hesitate to seek a testing demo with your ChatBots ensuring how effectively it works.


You need to make sure that developed ChatBots are easily integrated with your existing system and don’t cause any fatal errors.

Provision for Best Service

Delivering the best services seeks the involvement of artificial intelligence and machine learning. If AI and ML are employed with ChatBots, it brings improvement over time serving always best at customer service.

Human Interaction

Your ChatBots, are essentially capable of perceiving human reactions, and answering the customers better than how another professional person would respond. These interactions need to be established between ChatBots and customers and close to customer satisfaction.

Multi-language Support

The higher the chances, your business has international relationships or collaboration. ChatBots supports multi-language features and can help greatly improve your business with the same level of satisfaction.


Embarking customized solutions to your business turns out to be a milestone. A customized solution is a tailored-made ChatBots ensures driving your business success. However, it is costlier than the others and takes a longer time to develop and integrate.

Brand Awareness

Every step is a milestone. A ChatBot can work progressively on your business brand awareness with your existing customers and potential. 


Strong data protection is desired before integration takes place. Investigation for the security and encryption of customer data is essential for the successful growth of any business.


Developing ChatBots should be budget-friendly. Make sure this by asking for a quotation from the ChatBots development company. The cost impacts several factors like integration, training, maintenance, services, customization, and taxes.

Future Enhancements,

ChatBots have a bright future in the industries playing a determined role in taking care of customer care service. Being able to handle multiple customers with a personalized experience has never been easy in businesses so far. Manpower has always evolved.

Introduction to NLP ChatBots in businesses has already shown tremendous results with the outputs. The vast area of technology keeps emerging and so the power of ChatBots. Businesses were never capable of reducing manpower and replacing it with ChatBots for great savings in manpower.